“I don’t understand why you don’t write something that people would like to read," said to almost every writer at some point in their career. If you're lucky, it's daily :)

So, here's the thing about Maya Hawke. She is SO far from a "nepo-baby" (legacy babies who benefit off the sweet nectar of their parent's fame and success) that while I enjoy her dad, she might be my favorite of the 2 Hawkes as far as acting these days :)

Thank you for this review!

Others, go read Rob. Posting it to Notes to bring visibility to his phenomenal 'Stack.

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Thank you Beth!!!

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Thank you!

Btw, I tried to convince my son's 8th grade class to see "Kingdom of Planet of the Apes" in lieu of "The Fall Guy" but alas 14-year-olds! What can you do? My son was lobbying for the latter, but Gosling minds prevailed.

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While I had my issues with the FALL GUY, I am all for eighth-graders going to see a secret romcom in a movie theater!

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Ok, I feel better about this! Thanks for that validation.

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Thank you! I completely agree about Maya Hawke -- and she makes great music, too!

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